Wednesday, 9 January 2013


The two lower corner pockets, one for each player throughout an entire game.
One-pocket (sometimes spelled one pocket, 1-pocket, etc.) is a two-player (or -team) pool (pocket billiards) game. The object of the game is to score points by pocketing (potting) pool balls into specific pockets. A point is made when a player makes any object ball into that player's designated pocket. The winner is the first to score an agreed-upon number of points (most commonly 8). The player making the break shot (typically after winning the lag) chooses a foot corner pocket for the rest of the game; all of that shooter's balls must be shot into that pocket. All of the opponent's balls must be made in the other foot corner pocket.
One-pocket is similar to the game of straight pool in that both games allow players to score points for pocketing balls, each legally pocketed ball earns the shooter another shot, and any object ball is a legal ball to shoot at (a ball-on). The penalties for a foul are the loss of 1 point, re-spotting a previously pocketed ball if possible, and in the case of a "scratch" the incoming player gets ball in hand behind the head string. Unlike in straight pool, but as in the game of nine-ball, three consecutive fouls is a loss of game.


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